GEMILANG JAYA Has launched its newest product, which is beauty soap products.
The head of the company intends to hold a meeting on
evaluating the results of sales on the expenditure of the newest product.
The company is led by Mrs. Khusyala, with a secretary and
there are several parts in the company including: Marketing staf, Production staf,
Finance staf.
: Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming today.
As you can see from the agenda,
we’ll be talking about opening of new products to be launched on
January 4, 2018 I want to listen to the report from the section I invite
production staf.
staf : Thank you, mrs in here, I will
talking about our products, this product is called White Beauty, which is
produced by our product Softcare in the form of beauty soap that is different
from most other beauty soaps.
: What does everyone
think about beauty shoap?
staf : I’m convinced that the beauty soap compared
to natural ingredients that are not taken into account chemicals that can
damage the skin and are suitable for all skin types and also maintain skin
moisture and we make this special beauty soap for teens. What does everyone else think?
Klien :
No thank you, I completely agree.
Direktur : Okey Thanks to the production
department, maybe I just want a little the quality and quality of our products,
please at So that there are no side effects that long time only, then I want to
listen to the report from marketing section please.
staf : Thank you to the Director's
mother, who invited me to present the results of our work, we will first
present our first product, white beauty with the slogan emit charm beautiful
with white beauty. we are from marketing already taking into account the
strategy of how to sell this product, that is, we will promote our products in
the first way, making television advertisements.
Klien :
where the product will be sell?
staf : To sell our products, I have
collaborated with several parties - foreign
center parties, Indomaret, Alfamart, Carefure, Transmart, Pharmacies and
some official outlets in Indonesia. So our network is wide to be ready to
market our products, thanks for that report.
: All right, next the
finance department for talking the results of the report.
staf : Thank you, the director, I,
from the finance department, have detailed all the total expenses that have
been spent on launching our new product firstly the production cost of 1 pack
of 11,000 x 8000 packs worth 88 million both advertising costs and 121 million
in costs incurred for lauching new products worth 176 million, based on the-
total costs incurred in the production and financing process so we set the
selling price as hard as 25 thousand perpick currently the number of unused
companies is 189 million.
: Yes, thank you financial
department, actually there are no internal obstacles our finances because the
budget that we spend is in accordance with what we set at the beginning so for
further stabilization again and more minimized every expenditure to fit the
budget, maybe I think there are no obstacles / problems in preparing to
lauching our products so hopefully the product we are ready to be lauched on 4
January and all the preparations are ready and I have finished this meeting
later I returned it to the secretary please.
Secretary : Thank you to the director, I will
read the results of our meeting Today, the first launch will be held on January
4, 2018, the second of our products to be launched is called white beauty
produced by Soft Care, the strategy used to market this product is. making
advertisements on television and newspapers. The fourth distribution of goods
has also covered all parts of Indonesia so that our goods will be distributed
as a whole on January 4, 2018, the five costs that will be issued for launching
our products are worth 176 million, the selling price is 25 thousand and the
last is the company's financial unused is worth Rp. 890,000,000.00. That will be all for today thank you and good morning.
All :
okey thank you and good morning